Listen properly and listen well because no true word is ever going to be spoken.

You can do anything you want without any limitations.

Whatever it is that you decide you want to come true in your life, you can do that.

 It's an inhumane amount of work, you're gonna be ready to break yourself in half, you're going to learn more than anyone has learned, you will push yourself harder than anyone ever You told to push yourself first, you are about to go past your breaking point, you keep running until you vomit, you can study until you fall asleep. You are about to push something else and when you hit the boundary you push again.

You are forcing yourself to have an adaptation response and 'why?' Because Malcolm X said that the future belongs to those who prepare for it today.

So if you do not adopt the work today, then if you are not working to develop yourself in the world, then it is going to pass.

The people who are going to do it for themselves, are the ones who are going to do that job and the one promise I can make you now is that someone - someone is working out, someone else is doing that job right now What I am doing right now is someone doing a job of failing and getting up and getting better and pushing themselves forward and triggering that brilliant adaptation reaction that makes humans the supreme predator. Somebody, right now they are putting in that work and if you don't see the future, they are related to Martin Luther King Jr. Said if you can't fly then run if you can't run then you can walk, if you can't walk then you can crawl but you have to keep doing whatever you have to do.

It is not okay to make excuses, it is not going to slow people down, it is not right to ask the world to stop so that you can step in front, it is not right to expect a little from yourself and demand fabulous rewards.

The only thing that will be fine is that the way the world works should be consistent and if you want to become great then you have become capable of greatness.

You have developed your skillset, what you have just gained and if it is crawling again, you pull yourself up, but you never take yourself too far to overcome what is so obvious And so specific that nothing can knock your way.

Because you my friends know where you are going, you are ready to pay whatever price you charge there and no matter what anyone says, no matter how many hecklers come to you, no matter how many people you try to throw dirt on.

To stop you, try to take you down, no matter how many people come for you at night, you will get up and you will keep moving forward and you will get better in the day and no matter how many times people Bites you down, you go out the way you go back.

You're happy if you want a world you're excited about, to get your ass up and earn it. Give me the book back, take the book, O brother, he is my chicken brother. Hen? Justin? Justin, what are you doing man? What is happening ah, what are you doing, brother? I'm just playing I'm not robbing you, but it was all for real y. I know I'm joking and will work.

Why should you stay in school for a man with whom I did not get any work, brother, man, you have got an education, even a man cannot play with you. It is foolish to rob people right here like idiots like oh yes? As Derek Jeter said, there may be people who have more talent than you, but there is no excuse for you to work harder than anyone.

Whether or not you believe in talent at the end of the day is completely irrelevant. Everyone should believe in hard work, everything in your life is the result of that. You are born an infant. A lump of flesh that can't even hold its head one day help something that you have learned that it is working hard, it requires that you delegate, it requires that you put in the effort and the end of the day you are going to overcome I will not be you. People who have less talent than you, maybe you have even more talent than that, it's going to be people you are willing to exclude, but not until you're ready to exclude them.

Until then, you are stuck and as JohnIrving has said, to do anything good you have to dominate yourself and that is the key. If you want to put on an extraordinary performance, if you want to dazzle people completely, you have to do something amazing.

You have to be ready to get yourself out of there, you have to be prepared for things that other people think are going to break you, that other people believe that there is no way to overcome you May be able to, that human animal is not just capable of doing lengths, for which you are ready to go and you have to be ready to return it when you accept it.

You know yourself on that march without any uncertain circumstances, no reason for no reason, whether you are ever ready to step back and when you will definitely move forward with that level and only then you Will actually be able to pull it off and as Billie Jean King said they are playing the championship until they get it right.

To really win, fatigue will go away. It is the inside of your brain, the weak voice that tells you that you are no longer going to make it, the weak voice that begging you to stop the weak voice that promises safety and security If you will just give up and the worst part about it is- that's right.

If you leave now, you just sit down, relax, you are no longer at risk, you are not risking embarrassment, you are not at risk of failure, but you are also not at risk of greatness and if you really want to achieve something, then you will find a way to put yourself at risk of being something great, you have to risk yourself to dominate.

You have agreed to face the fact that you may die that you may actually fall and there is one thing for people here to say that they will never put themselves in that position, You have boundaries and make no mistake that boundaries are self-displaced and for those who are willing to push, for those who are willing to go beyond that, for those who are in this world there are things that they are willing to die and this is what they put into the centre of their lives, this is the thing they are living for, but they are not going to stop and they understand that the human mind where Thinks, he'll break up where he really breaks down, but before you can get to the point you're ready to push yourself into what you think is appropriate or sensible.

This is the way, and so the question is, can you be considered a fool? The question is, do you believe in something so much that you would put yourself at risk like that? The question is, can you face everyone, including the weak voice inside your mind, to make the world come true that you want to see the truth because at the end of the day no one does that for you, you are a champion.

Are, as long as it is done. As Nelson Mandela said, education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. Wherever you are listening now, I want you to burn it in your mind.

The most powerful weapon you are going to keep at your disposal is not a gun, it is not a sword, it is not a bomb if you really want it then the most powerful weapon will be at your disposal. To change is knowledge. It does not mean going to school.

It can be a school, it can be a book, it can be a mentor, it can be someone else's failure, it can be your own failure but whatever is there is always learning. To learn to do something You are going to be slim one day, the thing that you have worked to understand your ass better than anyone else in the world, it is going to help you change the world, but you have to do it now, you have to do a Learning with passion, you have to understand that idea with similar ideas and you have to pursue that knowledge, that it is a relentless pursuit and as you build an armada as you build a storehouse of weapons, you will store the knowledge.

Should be made. You must learn and learn and learn and plant those seeds, to learn better, to hold yourself accountable every day to understand things more broadly when you do that there is nothing like it Which will not be unlocked for you. And that's what I want you guys to understand.

It doesn't matter where you started your circumstances, money, people you know, none of which matters. What matters is how much you are ready to learn, how good you are prepared to get, how much knowledge you are ready to take because it will become your weapon, which will be, how you will raise and protect.

When you need it most. So if you want to do something unbelievable tomorrow, learn today.


I was talking amongst myself and I was telling my story until I was 16, I buried my mother in a heroin overdose, my father was a hitman, I was my mother The rift entered the houses to protect it from sleep so that it could be safe at night but through all the chaos and all the pain God instigated a warrior, so when all the king sees Hollis and every time I leave a speech I am leaving for you, the person who wants to leave this life, I am leaving it.

You do not know that person, it is a thankfulness in them that I am leaving for you that you are a good player and Look for a good player who plays a good game, the minimum is needed to get from GIT players.

Seema (continued) departs from among the leaf and stones on the leaf every single day, he wants him to be remembered as a Great Excellency, received as extra stamps for only 20 days in 10 years Does, which was found before that time.

5 They know they have to go to DISE IN DS for Brin to go out to kill the king to get out and everyone has the strength to go out of America, we are ready to get it And it's good and we're good to be and broken is a mindset. That you put inside your head.

This is something you tell yourself every day. I literally started on behalf of a Turkey Hill gas station and I asked everyone if you could allow me to go to your studio, would you like me to walk to this place every single day and build my inspiration may allow.

Time did not take much. It was only two to three minutes and I would end the speech and put it out because many of you don't know that I don't write a speech. Everything I do from the heart.

So what I did was actually assumed that I have something special to give to this world and I want you to know that you have something special to give to this world.

Don't never assume that lack of funds is the reason you are not succeeding. it is not true. There is a lack of trust in why you are not successful.

Every human on this earth is a multi-million dollar check. And our faith in ourselves grinds our true patience to wake up every day and tell ourselves and tell the world that I will be something special that sets you apart from everyone else.

I came to know that when I stop being jealous of people and stop judging people and stop getting angry that I am not at their level, this is when I truly rise in my career Have started I say that I told myself that I would never bill a dollar from another person, I would never sell my gilt for my dreams and any dollar amount.

Do you never do this? And every morning you get up and you look in the mirror, I want you to look in that mirror and I want you to tell yourself that I am special. I am great and I am phenomenal. Nobody will stop me from reaching my goal.

My goal My personal goal is to become one of the best speakers of all time. But I know that I have so much work to do. While they sleep I should work while they party I must grind. While they delay I should go after my future with a tireless effort and I want you guys to succeed with me.

I just don't want to be successful by myself. I want my message to develop other people and make other people successful in what life really is. It is about choosing great people and taking them with you.

We have to make this decision in the lives of today's kings and queens which will not be normal. We will be great We will be the king. This life is about serving and giving and being true.

We live in a world when people believe that everyone is out to get you, but I'm telling you now, some people are just out to love you for their careers and for the rest of their lives I want you to see William. Hollis to his brother as his family because we are. It does not matter what colour you are, it does not matter where you come from, it only matters who loves you now.

Moving into Pontiac Michigan projects, I realized two things that I realized I would not make it if I believed this to be my reality for the rest of my life.

And two I had to feel that all knowledge and my gifts were already in me since birth. All I have to do is I have to work on this craft every single day and I can succeed. As I sat on the edge of that Turkey Hill gas station, I realized that no one would believe me.

No one will say William Hollis one day your speeches will be played around the world. No one. And I felt that pain was necessary.

I realize that without my faith I cannot go to the next level. And I want you guys to know every piece of inspiration I've told, I'm talking to myself. The world just happened to hear it. Let's be legendary. Let us not focus on what we see as nothing. Let's focus on whatever it does. You are filthy rich. You were born rich. We are forgetting about generational gaps.

We forget about those who have left us and we are going to focus on those who love us. We are going to focus on those who believe in us. Because there is greatness in you.

You have an everlasting capacity and as long as you have a heartbeat as long as there is air in your lungs, you have the opportunity to change this world, change your life and live your dream today.

You are not broken, you are dirty rich. You were born rich.


The hardest walk should be great as a destination, but you always walk on that alone when first-time people will not believe what you believe, what you think, what you think, but you should make that decision.

The greatest resource a human being has is his or her own nature, when there is nothing, you have the connectivity of Allah with you, so you need to improve on why we are not able to take decisions Are, the basic ingredient is to be true to oneself, to be honest, to make some difficult decisions in life and then how to use resources to get to that end, whether it comes to tying camels or a good relationship with Allah That is a secondary option in the long run.

You are not honest to yourself, you face yourself and accept that you have truly become the time when you only know when I will just decide that my Where will the fire come from within, then where will I lose because the biggest enemy is you.

When you make a radical decision in life, the face is your own, your own perception, the way you live, it gives you the truth. Will not let you decide, will not let you be natural, you will let yourself and yourself be a creature of GOD and you want to be humble where It is necessary to be polite and you will be aggressive and to be aggressive it is necessary that you cannot get a feeling out of a person and say that he is a human being who is well, but it is not a balance.

Creating what the Prophet has done taqiyya, the purification of the heart is really searching for itself and until you do that if you look at the Quranic pattern, it says that "Quranic Rectangle" of password Afterwards if the psychopath is not removed from the heart, it comes after the decision is made until you know "Who?" What are you, what have you become and what are you doing and what will make this decision. If the circumstances are controlled by the GOD then it will not be according to the situation you were thinking and decided by you at the time.

Two are needed to stick to the tasks. Key material number 1 is your certainty with your vision, what you really dreamed, dreamed of translation (no confidence in your decision) you know that You are about to fall down, you are going to be really bad and are coming to get knowledge from the psychopath.

To make your perception spiritually strong, you need to do a lot of learning, a lot of knowledge, about yourself. A lot of "knowledge" in, people around you and God, who can't ignore all this and just want to build an "Eiffel Tower" in Lahore, because you don't.

Because things will get out of hand and to stick to your decision, it needs certainty, faith (sure) and other things (patience) Because you will deny yourself, people will deny you, your resources will deny you, your customer will deny you, your customer will deny you, people will not believe you that the prospective GOD has not shown you those dreams, the way Since you have dreamed, they see the experiences for which you had dreamed, you have experienced your failure, they will never understand what you are doing at this stage of life so that you have to walk alone and you are in the beginning Will not be able to meet the right people.

GOD has given a heart to the Prophet, according to the Hadith of Jibreel, that a heart has the highest level of connectivity, consistency, conviction, certainty and elimination of doubts and desires.

Your heart Allah sees the level you need to attain and if you have not achieved then and you have to be at this level at least that he is watching you now with this consciousness in your heart nor by performance But your performance has to be so consistent.

So sure that he is there and you have to be very consistent that I will keep coming to him, even the practices of psychology, whether he is a master, a doctor or an engineer or a devout person The one who is connected requires the content of both of you in Allah and the first person is knowing himself who you are because you cannot dodge the vision that you know must first speak itself in Urdu translation ( Never lie to yourself) Ju Saint don't do that, you know I'm very pathetic what you are saying, you have to be confident and sometimes confidence without rationality is really foolish.

I would say that arrogance even if Only you are convinced, you need to know the reason for what you are actually doing, many of them actually run away from the reality of knowing themselves and when it comes time to make some rare difficult decisions, You find that they say "I can't" I can't take this executive decision because I lack my heart The ability to follow my dreams to do something that I love is good that I should have felt, even if everyone tells us the translation (when you invite your natural thoughts for big decisions U have to be freed from my slavery and psychopathy) translation (if there was a deficiency in your upbringing due to someone then you were also tested) translation (GOD put everything there for a test) so that I become a puzzle And you start opening that puzzle, he knots and you find yourself real and he is learning and while you are learning, you always see every person facing trials and problems at his young age We keep making decisions and one of the problems in our society is that we fulfill their mindset strangely.

He will either be a total slave or total anarchy, which is about to perish due to his heretical belief and psychology, but you place a person on a scale of the balance and natural dis positional balance prophet says… Every child psychologically Was born on natural balance. It was believed to be a very good Quranic word, it is a parent, but the word here (Arabic word "abwa") maybe for those who are actually dealing with the psychology of the human mind with whom He is raised. He is less divine.

The creature is more externally and more deeply, psychologically, perception-ally, emotionally mixing his heart and his feeling towards Duniya (Earth), but towards God because of man. y is the default is a very GOD loving creature, he is a very humble creature, he is a seeker of truth and a seeker of happiness and prosperity, but it is up to us to discover the limits of the human mind and its ideological powers Conflict becomes imbalanced and deepened and the gift of logic and rationality GOD has given you is that we start getting vacancies in our hearts and it happens because things go wrong, obviously it has an effect on your heart Pouring and the way you think about it, the way we cover it, the way we deal with it, this psychology is about psychology Jai produces a psychopath, so we're afraid of people who don't know who we are whenever you ask someone "who are you?" You are trying to thwart the success of another human being, rather than presenting his own character, what he has achieved, even if he has failed…

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