There is no secret that push-ups are one of the best strength workouts.

 Push-ups are a very great measure of strength and physical fitness. There is a reason why push-ups exist on almost every fitness test from the police force personal trainers fitness assessment to joining the army.  
Push-ups are one among the foremost fundamental body-weight exercises and are very fashionable.

 The movement is simple, can be done everywhere. And it's very effective because you are using a lot of muscles at the same time.

 Sounds good. Right? The problem is that tons of individuals consider quantity rather than quality when doing push-ups. 

                 BENEFITS OF PUSHUPS
 Now let's have a look at the benefits of pushups you can gain from doing on a regular basis helps:

   Promote testosterone production in the body. Push-ups increase metabolic rate improves flexibility and posture. 

  Push-up is a great strength workout not just for your chest and arms and shoulders.

  Push-up also increases your grip strength and strengthens your core Injury prevention. When push-ups are performed correctly and regularly they can help: 

    Prevent low back injuries Increase bone density which helps prevent skeletal disorders Protect the shoulder joint as it stabilizes muscles surrounding your rotator cuff joint which helps in injury prevention.

       Burning calories as multi-joint exercise push-ups is a very powerful full-body workout with high-calorie expenditure using up a large amount of energy in a short period of time.

   Beach body push-up improves your body composition so if you want to get in better shape and have that 

Beachbody you better start doing your push-ups now Cost-free and convenience push-ups are an easy exercise that doesn't require any equipment and isn't time-consuming you'll do push-ups anytime anywhere without having to depend upon time period to the gym or paying a membership fee.

     There are different variations of push-ups and constant progression there are probably over 100 ways you can do push-ups.

   Now this is the most important point which is improving cardiovascular health push-ups always been known to improve your cardiovascular health raising the heart rate during exercise helps strengthen the heart muscle enabling it to pump more oxygenated blood to the lungs and throughout the body, in addition to this a recent study conducted at:

         Harvard the study consisted of 1104 firefighters found a significant negative association between baseline push-up capacity and incident cardiovascular disease risk across ten years of follow-up the studies shown that the ability to do more push-ups have a direct correlation in cardiovascular risk participants who were able to complete more than 40push-ups in a row had 96% less chance of having a heart attack compared to participants who were able to complete less than 10 push-ups the studies also shown if you can do ten or more pushup.

 It significantly reduces the risk of heart disease participants who did more push-ups were able to perform better on cardiac stress tests which are the treadmill stress test just to be clear.


  • The Body Position

A push-up is not only a triceps, chest, and shoulder movement.

Most people neglect attention in the abdominal muscles, the hips and the legs. Often they form an arched back and have a lack of body tension.

To avoid this, tilt your pelvis backwards and keep your butts squeezed tight.
The movement gets a lot harder with this. But it's also more effective.

  • The Arm position

The arm position doesn't really matter in terms of the perfect execution.

A perfect push-up can be done with a wide or a narrow grip. But it's important to place your wrist in a nearly vertical line under your shoulder when you do the standard push-up.

There are still exceptions for that rule. For example, when you're doing pseudo planche push-ups which put the focus more on your shoulder, or when you doing sphinx push-ups which are a triceps dominant movement.

If you're working with standard push-ups and choose a wider grip, it involves the chest more than a close grip. And a close grips set the focus more on your triceps.

The only thing you should avoid completely is out flared elbows. Because this puts a lot of stress on your shoulder which can lead to injuries.

The closer you place your arms to the body, the more your elbows point backwards.

The wider you place your arms, the more your elbows going away from your body. But they still point more backwards than to the side.
  • The Range of motion
This is quite simple. Just don't cheat. Go all the way up and all the way down. And let your body straight.

Don't decrease the range of motion by bringing your head forward or your hips down.

  • The Shoulder Blade Movement
This is a very neglected point. When you're going down, your shoulder blades come together. And when you're going up, they go apart.

You should also focus on pushing them downward instead of upward. But don't forget this still difference between a passive and an active way of the shoulder blade movements.

If you are too weak in the shoulder girdle, your shoulder blades come together. Because you are not able to hold your body against gravity.

You can see this especially at the top of the movement. When you're going down, always focus on the tension and an active shoulder blade movement.

Don't let yourself fall down into your structures. If you consider all those points and try it on your own, you will notice that it's much harder to do.

Maybe your amount of maximum repetitions will drop.

But that doesn't matter. Always focus on quality over quantity, And you will be rewarded with progress and a healthy body.
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